Through FLAVOURS OF EUROPE project, the consortium will develop high quality and innovative training materials, tailored to the needs of improving the competences of low skilled adults and mainly women to create businesses and develop inclusive communities in the rural regions with diminishing populations and/or regions which suffer from economic crisis generated by COVID-19. Flavours of Europe project aims to develop until 2023 a new educational curricula for increasing skills of more than 800 adults, especially women with reduced opportunities from rural deprived areas on building of inclusive community development through gastronomy heritage tourism
The project presents some responses to the Covid-19 crisis which generated more poverty and more pressure on the adults, mainly women from remoted and deprived rural areas. It aims at show how adults, women and NGOs from rural areas can cope with emergencies and it builds the basis to rethink the current crisis as a crucial tipping point for a resilient development of rural territories. It is key to overcome the idea of rural areas as food production system, calling for a broader vision of rural communities as poles of development based on local heritage, natural resources, creativity and social inclusion as essential elements to regenerate rural areas and to rapidly support their transition towards sustainable future through tourism

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